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company name: gansu lixinyuan microsilica co. ltd

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analysis of microsilica in refractory industry

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analysis of microsilica in refractory industry-pg电玩城

release date:2019-01-10 author: click:

  microsilica powder, also known as silica fume, is formed by oxidation at a high temperature of 2000 degrees. the ultrafine high-purity amorphous silica was observed to have a spherical shape under an electron microscope, amorphous and amorphous, and an average particle diameter of 0.2 μm. it has excellent physical and chemical properties. micro-silica powder has been used to improve refractory materials for more than 40 years. micro-silica powder for refractory materials will have the following characteristics:

  1. improve the fluidity of refractory castables, reduce water consumption, make it easy to form, and greatly improve production efficiency;

  2. due to the interstitial effect of the ultrastructure, the compactness and strength of the refractory material are greatly improved;

  3. the micro-silica powder has high activity. under the premise of the presence of al 2 o 3 component, the mullite phase is more easily formed, and the high-temperature strength and thermal shock resistance of the refractory material are obviously improved.

analysis of microsilica in refractory industry

  according to the different properties of refractory raw materials, orthogonal design, through the comparison test, select the best formula, the company's technical experts can assist the refractory plant to carry out work. non-encrypted microsilica is commonly used for refractory materials. at present, in addition to being commonly used in cast refractories, a large number of applications are being obtained in fused and sintered refractories.

  the current economic pattern has had a major impact on the refractory industry. the extensive development model of the real economy has come to an end, and it is imperative to change the scale benefits to innovation benefits and quality benefits. during the “thirteenth five-year plan” period, structural adjustments and product upgrades of major downstream industries of refractory materials will surely bring new changes to the demand structure and requirements of refractory materials.

  the refractory industry has overcapacity in the market. the oversupply has caused some refractory companies to compete at low prices and compete for price, causing low prices for products and declining management quality. this disorderly competition has plagued refractory companies for many years. it will probably continue.

   at present, the refractory market is shifting towards a gradual standardization, and the market share is shifting to superior enterprises. in the process of reducing development, the survival of the fittest is an inevitable trend. this provides an excellent opportunity to further integrate and standardize the market order and promote joint restructuring of enterprises and increase the concentration of production in the industry. large-scale enterprises and market globalization are the development trend of the future refractory industry.

this website:http://www.gslxy.cn/en/news/438.html

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