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industry analysis of other uses of micro silicon powder

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industry analysis of other uses of micro silicon powder-pg电玩城

release date:2019-05-14 author: click:

  microsilica : appearance is gray or off-white powder, refractoriness >1600 ° c. bulk density: 200-250 kg / m3. 

 fineness of microsilica: more than 80% of fineness of silica fume less than 1 μm, average particle size in the range of 0.1-0.3 μm, the specific surface area is: 20-28 m2/g. its fineness and specific surface area are about 80-100 times that of cement, and 50-70 times of fly ash. 

  particle morphology and mineral phase structure: silica fume during the formation process, due to the surface tension in the process of phase transformation, amorphous spherical granules of amorphous phase are formed, and the surface is relatively smooth, and some are agglomerates in which a plurality of spherical particles are stuck together. it is a a kind of volcanic ash material with large specific surface area and high activity. the material with micro-silica powder can play a role of lubrication.


  other uses of microsilica: 

  1. cement industry: adding microsilicon in cement after the powder, the performance is improved, the quality and the label are greatly improved. 2. the rubber industry: after adding a certain amount of micro-silica powder, the rubber is stretched, the tear resistance and the anti-aging degree are greatly improved, and the rubber also has good dielectric properties, low water absorption capacity; 3. anti-caking agent instead of mica or diatomaceous earth as a raw material to prevent agglomeration of fertilizer particles; 4. as a pellet binder: microsilica powder has a large specific surface area and strong adsorption, and has achieved remarkable effects as a binder for pellets abroad; 5. water glass industry: it can replace quartz mine to produce water glass with modulus 4; 6. use in oil field as cementing: jilin oilfield, liaohe oilfield, karamay oilfield, etc., all use micro-silica powder, and get very good use effect; 7. in the application of insulating materials, waterproof materials, paints, coatings, printing industry, etc. microsilica mixed with koh or k2co3 can be used to make slow-acting concentrated potassium silicate, which is not easy to lose and can promote crops. root development, inhibition of pests and diseases. microsilica powder can also be used as a fertilizer anti-caking agent. in addition, the former soviet union also used micro-silica powder as the silicate brick. when the micro-silica powder was blended into 7%, the brick number could reach m250-m300. foreign research on the application of micro-silica powder has been carried out for decades. in the past 20 years, there have been many research work, and relatively systematic, from recycling, product development, use to mechanism research, many countries have established corresponding research institutions and established corresponding the production plant, micro-silica powder has entered the stage of commercialization. although china's research on the application of micro-silica powder started late, it has progressed rapidly in recent years. on the basis of doing the electric furnace dust removal, we will concentrate on the new way of applying micro-silica powder with less investment, low cost, quick effect and simple process.

this website:http://www.gslxy.cn/en/news/443.html

key word:黑色微硅粉,硅灰,硅粉

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