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what are the characteristics of micrasilicon used in cement raw materials?

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what are the characteristics of micrasilicon used in cement raw materials?-pg电玩城

release date:2018-12-06 author: click:

  microsilica is used as cement blending material: some micro-silica powder recovered from iron alloy factories in norway, iceland, canada and other countries have been reported as cement raw materials. the soviet patent pointed out that 18-25% of silicon powder can be added to the raw material for producing portland cement, which can increase the output of cement kiln and the quality of cement. the production capacity of kiln is increased by 10-20%. after 28 days of cement curing, compressive strength increased from 47pa to 54-56mpa.

    making cement mixed materials to produce mixed cement: icelandic cement company will grind the spherical microsilica together with clinker to produce mixed cement containing about 6% of microsilica. the application effect is very good. in 1982, lafarge cement company of france used microsilica powder mixed with portland cement to produce mixed cement. canada has also developed a standard for mixed cement. the mixed cement requires micro-silica powder to be incorporated within 10%, the sio2 content in microsilica is greater than 85%, and the loss on ignition is <6%. production of ultra-dense cement: japan electric chemical industry co., ltd. introduced the ultra-dense cement named "densified" from densit. this cement is mainly formulated from micro-silica powder, special admixtures and cement clinker. it can be used to make high density concrete, which is 2-3 times stronger than ordinary concrete. it has good corrosion resistance, insulation, wear resistance, impermeability, frost resistance and blocking of chloride ions. performance, etc. this cement has been used in denmark for the surface of anti-corrosion and wear-resistant food factories and heavy machinery factories, as well as for corrosion protection and chloride concrete engineering, which can be used to replace some metal products. the danish corrosion research center is investigating the use of this cement as an anti-corrosion coating for steel. the institute of atomic energy is studying the use of it as a protective insulation for radioactive waste.

microsilica for concrete

    microsilica is applied to cement admixtures: mineral admixtures, mainly blast furnace slag in smelting non-ferrous metal industrial by-products, phosphorus slag as a by-product of phosphating industry, fly ash discharged from thermal power plants and boiler slag in chemical industry, and natural silicon ash, zeolite, kaolin and limestone.

   the first advantage: reduce concrete water demand, improve concrete pumping performance, improve concrete compactness, fluidity and plasticity, reduce bleeding and segregation, reduce concrete slump loss, prolong concrete setting time, slow down hydration rate and reduce the advantages of hydration and heat release.

   the second advantage: improve the compactness of concrete slurry structure, improve concrete pore structure, anti-seepage and freeze-thaw resistance; resist erosion of fresh water and sulfate medium; effectively prevent chloride ion diffusion, have good protection; prevent and inhibit alkali-aggregate reaction; general concrete strength growth rate in the late stage can improve the durability of concrete.

   this kind of concrete with microsilica admixture is mainly used for large-volume concrete engineering, underground engineering, seaport engineering, road and bridge engineering.

this website:http://www.gslxy.cn/en/news/431.html

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